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图书信息 《第一幅长城地图《九边图说》残卷 ——兼论《九边图论》的图版改绘与版本源流》 A Study on the Fragments of the First Map of the Great Wall the JIUBIANTUSHUO —— Other JIUBIANTULUNS Drawing and Publishing
作 者:
赵现海 Zhao Xianhai 中国社会科学院历史研究所,北京 100732 赵现海(1978 - ) ,男,河南杞县人,中国社会科学院历史研究所助理研究员,研究方向为明代长城史。
出 处:
史学史研究 2010年第3期 发表时间:2010-03-12
分 类 号:K092
文 摘:
The JIUBIANTUSHUO was the first map about Great Wall and was drawn by Xu Lun in the thirteenth year of Jiajing period. It showed the whole defence system of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty. The fragments that preserved in the Sanmenxia city museum extends from the Zhenbei tower in the east to the Piantou tower in the west. The maps were drawn by copying the kinds,and were deeply affected by humanistic tradition,while scientifical and mathematical thinking exerted little influence on it in the Ming Dynasty. These two principles are different from the map drawing tradition in ancient China.
In brief,the map has great value in the learning and historical relic. Other Jiubian maps are difference from the original JIUBIANTUSHUO except the one published by Xie Shaonan.
关 键 词:
长城地图《九边图说》残卷《九边图论》许论 正 文: 长城自春秋、战国开始修筑时,军事地图上可能就已绘出了这一防御工事。不过由于先秦地图目前皆已无存,无法得出确切的结论。秦汉时期,勾连、增筑长城,史称李陵、赵充国戍北疆,皆绘边疆地图上呈朝廷。① 然以佚失故,有关两幅地图的具体信息,今亦不得 …… 您需要在登录后才能查看全文内容,请您点此登录或者进行新用户注册...>> 简单注册后,即能免费阅读1000多篇长城相关的论文,欢迎您注册为长城小站的用户,参与我们的交流!
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